Heather Markcraf
Formatrice certifiée
Heather Markgraf is an English speaking, Certified Nonviolent Communication trainer who lives in Hudson Quebec. Her passion is leading groups interested in learning about Nonviolent Communication. She gets great pleasure from seeing people build resilience and compassion. She loves watching them learn to feel more empathy for others, for finding greater comfort in their interactions and for working on their self-care.
She is grandmother to 7 grandchildren and as such has a keen interest in facilitating and supporting parent groups. Her background in education (Heather has a Bed from McGill University) means she is experienced in teaching and hearing the needs of all ages.
Heather previously worked in the theatre business and acted, directed, taught and produced theatrical productions. She loves to work with groups facilitating awareness exercises, team building and blending improvisation activities into her NVC training.
Recently holding her classes on zoom Heather has found that she has been able to facilitate trainings and practice groups with people from all over North America. Many of her participants have been with her for over a year of continuing learning and regular empathy and practice groups.
Heather has facilitated mediation and individual coaching sessions on zoom and is comfortable with personal and work related challenges.
She is so grateful to Marshall who has created this way to be in the world. She believes that Nonviolent Communication is a way to build a resilient, compassionate and caring society and she is working to facilitate that shift.
- Anger
- Business
- Leadership
- Parenting
- Relationships
- Schools/Education
- Violence Prevention
- Youth Programs
Hometown: Hudson, Quebec
Places of intervention: Canada, United States, United Kingdom, everywhere where English is spoken